It is so cold. Cold to the point that your body starts to hurt. Even my teeth are cold. I am bundled now in bed with turtle and tea, watching a documentary on Tom Petty. Oh I just love him so much.... "Oh, the days went slow, into the changing season Oh, out in the cold, for all the wrong reasons"
I headed to NYC today for an appointment with a kinesiologists (a movement doctor). He is a very fascinating man who picked and pulled my body for an hour. Overall I am open minded about it all and excited for my next appointment. Only downfall is how far it is. I have to say I have fallen out of love with NYC. I am just not a city girl, not that I ever was but I felt like it a bit in high school, maybe more Brooklyn. Everyone is moving so fast, I just want to stop them all and remind them to breathe.
But I was reminded about the perks of NYC, subway systems, hotdogs, the best pizza and grand central.
I will be headed to NYC again next week, maybe I will be a little bit warmer to it. Sorry New York City, I like your older brother upstate New York much more. It smells better.
I am heading to another city tomorrow, good old bean town. I am looking forward to seeing friends, eating twin donuts and dancing the night away. Not looking forward to red socks fans and again the cold.
Oh Spring and Summer, come back!